Hands off!
SB-BIS 0156
1 Zeitungsausschnitt
Otto von Bismarck bewundert eine Dame, welche für einen Schönheitswettbewerb posiert. Sie ist mit einem Tuch umhüllt, welches die Aufschrift "Samca" trägt. Im Bildhintergrund ist ein Polizist zu sehen, welcher Otto von Bismarck auffordert, die Hände hoch zu nehmen. Bildunterschrift: Jonathan. "'Scuse me, stranger, – my gal!" What' s your little game to-day? My gal, Teuton! (bis.) Oh, yes I know your winning way with any charmer found astray, but once again I beg to say, my gal, Teuton! Your eye is on that sweet young thing? My gal, Teuton! (bis) Your battery of charms you' d bring, your rayther guttural song you' d sing, but mark, she' s underneath my wing. My gal, Teuton! What say you to the dusky pet? – My gal, Teuton! (bis.) Your peer into her eyes of jet, you woo, but you' ve not won her yet. My eye is on you, Boss, you bet! My gal, Teuton! You' d clasp her to your beating heart! My gal, Teuton! (bis) From her old love you' d have her part. Wal, Stranger, guess you' re all-fired smart. But Uncle Sam has got the start. My gal, Teuton! You beam a broad Batavian smile, my gal, Teuton! (bis.) You fancy here you have struck ile. But I shan' t stand with nary rile, your bumptious, big European style, my gal, Teuton! You' d take her home, Boss in your train? My gal, Teuton! (bis.) My lusty Lochinvar, restrain your love of foreign gals and gain. Under my charge she' d best remain, my gal, Teuton! You think she' s nice, Boss real jam? My gal, Teuton! (bis.) Wal, Europe follows you like a lamb, That' s not the sort of man I am. You' ve here to deal with Uncle Sam. My gal, Teuton!"

Zeichner: Sambourne, Edward Linley
Bemerkungen (öffentlich)
Punch, or the London Charivari
Physische Eigenschaften
Material / Technik: Lithographie
Format / Größe: Höhe 24,3 x Breite 17,9 cm
Karikaturen: Bismarck, 156
SB-BIS 0156 – Hands off!