Between two fires
SB-BIS 0622.1
1 Zeitungsausschnitt
Alfons XII. steht zwischen dem Papst und Bismarck. Dieser will ihm die Zeitung "La Luz" überreichen. Bildunterschrift: "PRINCE BISMARCK has intimated to the new Spanish Government that its recognition by Germany must be conditional on the withdrawl of the suspension of the two suppressed Protestant Journals, and the re-opening of the closed Protestant Meeting-House." "When the POPE sent his blessing to KING ALFONSO, and renewed his Nuncio's commission at Madrid, it was under the assurance that the old ecclesiastival and educational supremacy of the Holy Chruch would be restored." – Newspaper Correspondence from Spain.
Bemerkungen (öffentlich)
Punch, or the London Charivari
Physische Eigenschaften
Material / Technik: Lithographie
Format / Größe: 19,3 x 24,5 cm
Karikaturen: Bismarck, 622.1
SB-BIS 0622.1 – Between two fires