Keeping it down! (Niedergedrückt halten!)
SB-BIS 0819.1
1 Zeitungsausschnitt
Bismarck in voller Rüstung mit Spornen und Degen, versucht, einen wild blickenden Springteufel in die Kiste "SOCIALIST JACK IN THE BOX" zu treten. Bildunterschrift: WHAT, Bogey-scared, O Man of Blood and Iron? / You'd try Repression's bad old recipe? / The Spectres which your strong-reared State environ / You'd bind and box? And endless task, you'll see! / Down with the lid! the ugly inmate throttle! / It will not do – your system will not work: / You'll find that, like the Geni in the bottle, / 'Twill out at last, in spite of tightest cork. // Jack-in-the-Box is sure to play you tricks, Sir, / Unless you have the force to break the spring, / Repression ever acts as an elixir / To human yearnings for a freer wing. / To lay the Social Spectre is your duty, / You doubtless think, but tyrant will in terror, / Because its Bogey does not look a Beauty, / O'erlooks its heart of truth – a fatal error! // The incubus of iron Militarism, / Cramped freedom, stifled thought, an crippled trade,- / These will breed discontent and Social schism, Dread forces 'gainst Autocracy arrayed, / The pan of Mrs. PARTINGTON won't pay, Sir, / Your Measure, like her mop, you'll fruitless find. / Box up the Bogey for to-day you may, Sir, / 'Twill out to-morrow. Will can't bag the Wind!

Zeichner: Sambourne, Edward Linley
• Dormeier, Heinrich: Bismarck in der Karikatur des Auslands. Berlin 1990, Nr. 86, S. 122-123.
Bemerkungen (öffentlich)
Punch, or the London Charivari
Physische Eigenschaften
Material / Technik: Druckgraphik
Format / Größe: 23,5 x 18 cm
Karikaturen: Bismarck, 819.1
SB-BIS 0819.1 – Keeping it down! (Niedergedrückt halten!)